
John Buckley is author of the novels Family Politics and Statute of Limitations (Simon and Schuster).  He has recently discovered, to his surprise, that both Family Politics and Statute of Limitations seem to be available as paperbacks via Amazon.

(For readers who wish to purchase any of Buckley’s photographs, see Tulip Frenzy’s sister site, Tulip Frenzy Photography: Images By John Buckley.)

Buckley’s third novel, The Geography Lesson, is about a National Geographic expedition in 1968 that goes comically awry.  P.J. O’Rourke says: “The Geography Lesson is more than just a delight to read. It is a finely crafted story with developed characters, coherent narration, intriguing circumstances, compelling plot, and true insights about human motive and motivation. In other words, John Buckley has given us back a literary genre that has been absent without leave for a generation or more. The Geography Lesson is no less than The Return of the Novel.”

Robert M. Poole, former National Geographic executive editor, and the author of Explorers House: National Geographic and the World, says, “With The Geography Lesson, John Buckley has produced a novel that is part mystery story, part adventure, and pure delight… Buckley is a masterful guide who writes with clarity and grace that never intrude on a narrative you will savor and remember.”

The Geography Lesson became available via Kindle and iBooks in late May 2013.  For more information about The Geography Lesson, click here.

In 2010, The Business of Happiness by Ted Leonsis with John Buckley became a bestseller, reaching as high as #4 on The Washington Post‘s list.

Buckley has written about rock’n’roll for NY Rocker, The Soho Weekly News, Village Voice, Rolling Stone, and National Review. He believes he has atoned for a long career in U.S. presidential campaign politics, and has held senior management positions for more than 15 years in two Fortune 100 companies that won’t be mentioned here, for who wants to mix art with commerce? Though perhaps we should say here that, since 2016, he has been CEO of Subject Matter, and in January 2021, he moved on to the more august, and decidedly freer, role of Senior Adviser.

Since approximately 2005, off and on, he has published Tulip Frenzy, a blog focusing on favorite bands and artists such as Luna, the Mekons, Joe Strummer, Alejandro Escovedo, Bob Dylan, Kelley Stoltz, the Brian Jonestown Massacre, and the Fleshtones.  After letting the original Tulip Frenzy lapse, it’s baaaack.

You can follow John Buckley on Twitter @johnbuckley100, and on Instagram @tulip_frenzy.

11 Responses to “About”

  1. bibomedia Says:


  2. Will Buckley Says:

    Awsome blog site. You seem realy cool who ever you are. I love all of your music. Its great-an adoring fan.

  3. Hi John,
    thanks for the write-up on Tulip Frenzy. If you would be so kind to shoot us an email, we at the CHAPPO :: Moon Office would love to send you our full EP. Cheers!

  4. Karen Dooling Foust Says:

    JB, is that you? 😉

    Great website. And you’re quite the photographer, to boot.

    Hugs and love,

  5. Deacon John Saturus Says:

    Any guess as to when “The Geography Lesson” will be published? I really enjoyed your first two novels.

    • johnbuckley100 Says:

      Thank you so much. It is stymied for now – agent got lots of nice comments from editors but the new default position for editors is if it isn’t a potential blockbuster, they are too scared to touch it. Not yet ready to take the self-publishing route… But thanks for being a reader! JB

      • Hey John–I want to write you privately. Could you please send me an email address for that? Thanks!

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  7. Adrian Corda Says:

    What a great Richard Hell biography. What a great Richard Hell album. What great metaphors you used to swing both into the pantheons they deserve. What great illumination into the battle to present art as intended, and the toll in time that battle takes. Thank you

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